Donate to the stART Foundation

Donations are a critical financial resource for the stART Foundation. Gifts are essential to the vitality of our organization.
All contributions are highly valued.

Donate once


We are seeking private and corporate support. You can contribute, too! Your generosity and trust makes all the difference.

Planned use of donations:

  • optimization of digital features and programs

  • conservation and restauration of artworks

  • supporting diverse artists’ projects (in- and outdoors)

  • stART is starting a new artist in residence program in Warsaw at a high investment

Become patron


Modern patronage is the backing of otherwise impossible ideas. Your donation or gift supports emerging artists, the residency program, exhibitions and related educational events. Your money supports open-minded and shared arts and makes impossibilities possible.

That is why art and artists need your support. Contact Tanja Heuchele, Director at and specify


  • art in the context of your own personal brand

  • preserving cultural values through endowment

  • incentivizing employees (employer branding)

  • donations from inheritance are tax deductible

  • no administrative work

The stART foundation says THANK YOU with offering:

  • invitations to VIP previews

  • participation in guided tours

  • options to conduct company events at special conditions

  • participation in lectures, artist talks, live paintings

  • artist editions at reduced prices

  • free exhibition catalogues



Account holder: stART Foundation Europe Stichting
IBAN: NL34 INGB 00094453 65